To manage your credit card utilization ratio and improve your car loan approval chances, follow these steps:
Calculate Your Credit Utilization Ratio:
Add up all your outstanding credit card balances.
Add up all your credit card limits.
Divide the total outstanding balance by the total credit limit.
Multiply the result by 100 to get your credit utilization ratio as a percentage.
Keep Your Credit Utilization Ratio Low:
Aim for a ratio below 30% to demonstrate responsible credit management.
Pay down your balances regularly to reduce your outstanding debt.
Avoid using your credit cards excessively, as this can negatively impact your credit score.
Monitor Your Credit Utilization Ratio:
Regularly check your credit utilization ratio to ensure it remains within the recommended range.
Adjust your spending habits and payment schedules accordingly to maintain a healthy ratio.
Avoid Closing Credit Card Accounts:
Closing accounts can reduce your available credit, potentially increasing your credit utilization ratio.
Instead, keep unused accounts open to maintain a healthy credit mix.
Request a Credit Limit Increase:
If you have a good credit history and a low credit utilization ratio, consider requesting a credit limit increase.
This can help you maintain a lower credit utilization ratio and improve your overall credit health.
Spread Purchases Across Multiple Credit Cards:
Distribute your purchases across multiple credit cards to keep individual card balances low and maintain an overall low credit utilization ratio.
Monitor Your Credit Score:
Regularly check your credit score to ensure it is improving.
A good credit score can increase your chances of securing a car loan at a favorable interest rate.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your credit card utilization ratio and improve your chances of securing a car loan